Terms of Use

Santola Beauty Terms of Use Agreement

1. Introduction

1.1 This website is owned and operated by Santola Beauty Ltd. Our company information is at the end of this document.

1.2 Please read these terms and conditions carefully. They apply when you buy any goods via this site. Please print or save these terms for future use as we will not keep a file copy specifically for the transaction with you and we cannot guarantee that they will remain accessible on our website in future. These terms and conditions are available in the English language only.

1.3 These terms and conditions apply to use of our website. The sale of goods via our website is subject to separate terms and conditions.

1.4 Where we refer to “Consumer” below we mean an individual acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside that person’s trade, business, craft or profession.

2. Use of the Website

2.1 Your use of the Website is covered by these terms and conditions and our privacy policy. The Privacy Policy deals with how we use your personal data. We recommend that you read this.

2.2 You can register an account with us to help you order our products more quickly. When you create an account, you confirm that:

  • the details which you provide (e.g. your name) are real and accurate;

  • you'll notify us immediately of any changes to your details by updating these details on your online account; and

  • you won't impersonate any other person or use any details that you're not authorised to use.

  • We recommend that you keep your account details safe. You should tell us immediately if you become aware of any unusual or unauthorised activity on your account.

3. Other important information about your use of the Website

3.1 The aesthetic, content and information on the Website is very important to us. We own or have a right to use all of the content and information and copyright, trade marks and other intellectual property rights on the Website. You may use these materials to browse our Website and place any orders for your personal use only, but you're not allowed to use them for any other reason. This means that you're not allowed to use the material on the Website for any commercial purpose or to copy, reproduce, publish, display, distribute or change the material.

3.2 You must not modify the page or digital copies of any materials you have printed off or downloaded in any way, and you must not use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from any accompanying text.

3.3 Our status (and that of any identified contributors) as the authors of content on our Website must always be acknowledged.

3.4 You must not use any part of the content on our Website for commercial purposes without obtaining a licence to do so from us or our licensors.

3.5 If you print off, copy or download any part of our Website in breach of these terms of use, your right to use our Website will cease immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made.

3.6 We hope you have a good experience when using our Website. However, we're not responsible to you in any way for:

  • any losses that you suffer from your use or inability to use the Website;

  • any losses that you suffer if you use the Website for non-personal use;

  • any loss of revenue, profit, business or sales that you suffer;

  • any loss of reputation or goodwill; or

  • any losses which are not foreseeable or are not obvious when you use the Website.

3.7 We do not guarantee that the Website, or any content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted or be bug or virus free. You should therefore make sure you have sufficient anti-virus software.

3.8 You must not misuse our Website or introduce any viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful. You also shouldn't attempt to gain unauthorised access to the Website or any server, computer or database connected to the Website. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to our Website, the server on which our Website is stored or any server, computer or database connected to our Website. You must not attack our Website via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack. By breaching this provision, you would commit a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use our Website will cease immediately.

3.9 We may suspend, take down or stop the availability of all or any part of the Website for business or operation reasons. We'll try to give you reasonable notice if this happens but this might not always be possible.

3.10 Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on the Website, we can't guarantee that the content on the Website is accurate, complete or up to date. If you have a question about any information on the Website, let us know by emailing us.

3.11 Where the Website contains links to websites and resources provided by third parties, and not Santola Beauty, we have no control over this information and your use of these websites and resources is at your own risk. In order to be safe, we recommend that you read any terms and conditions for these websites and resources.

3.12 You may link to our Website, Instagram and Facebook, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it. When you're linking to our website or social media, you may not do so in a way that suggests we're approving or endorsing you.

3.13 You must not establish a link to our Website in any website that is not owned by you.

3.14 Our Website must not be framed on any other site, nor may you create a link to any part of our Website other than the home page.

3.15 We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.

3.16 If we know or suspect that you're not following these terms and conditions, we may remove your account or stop your access to the Website;

3.17 We can change these terms and conditions from time to time. We shall try to ensure that any new version of these terms and conditions shall be announced in advance on our Website. The version that is on the Website will always take precedence over all the other versions of these terms and conditions. However, the applicable terms and conditions are those accepted by you at the time of placing the order; and these Website terms and conditions are covered by English law. If you're not happy with any of these terms, you and Santola Beauty agree that any disagreement or dispute will take place in the courts of England and Wales (except if you live in Northern Ireland, you can also go to the courts in Northern Ireland or if you live in Scotland, you can also go to the courts in Scotland).

4. Company Information

4.1 Company name: Santola Beauty Ltd

4.2 Country of incorporation: England and Wales.

4.3 Registered number: 13384398

4.4 Other contact information: info@santolabeauty.com